Hawaiʻi Open Arts Program

SFCA arts education program for Oʻahu and Hawaiʻi Island public and charter school students grades 2 – 6.

About the Hawaiʻi Open Arts Program (HŌʻĀ)

An arts education program of the Hawaiʻi State Foundation on Culture and the Arts for Oʻahu  and Hawaiʻi Island Department of Education elementary students, Grades 2 – 6, and their teachers.

HŌʻĀ is an ‘āina-based arts program that helps students develop emotional well-being & a sense of place through immersive arts & mālama ‘āina experiences. Students and their teachers work with a Teaching Artist and ‘Āina Educator during five scaffolded sessions that introduce them to their home ahupua‘a or moku, engage them in culturally meaningful work, and lead them through the artistic process to reflect on an important emotion or idea. 

Two of the five sessions will take place in the mālama ‘āina site where the ‘Āina Educator is based. These field trips will offer students an opportunity to build relationships with a culturally important place near their home while reflecting on their learning through art making with the Teaching Artist. 

The Hawaiʻi SFCA’s Art in Public Places artwork will play a key role in helping students connect their learning at the mālama ʻāina site with their lives. Lessons will be tied to Nā Hopena A‘o and National Core Arts Standards.

More About HŌʻĀ

Please visit the HŌʻĀ website for more information: HawaiiOpenArts.org

Application Materials

To be announced.


For further information, contact Arts Program Specialist/Hawaiʻi State Art Museum Educator Shirley Lam