CALL FOR ARTISTS: Art in Public Places Request for Qualifications (RFQ)

May 1, 2020

Application Deadline

May 31, 2020, 7:59 p.m. Hawai‘i Standard Time.

About this Call for Artists

The State Foundation on Culture and the Arts (SFCA) is requesting qualifications from individual artists for artwork to be commissioned for various locations statewide, in accordance with Hawai‘i Revised Statute Chapter 103-8.5. Through this RFQ, the SFCA’s Art in Public Places Program intends to establish a qualified pool of professional artists for consideration.

Site Descriptions

Sites for art may include opportunities for three dimensional freestanding sculpture, two dimensional images translated into durable materials and large painted murals. Specific locations have not been announced.


This RFQ is open to National and International Artists. Hawai‘i artists will be given special consideration. A Hawai‘i artist is an artist who was born and/or educated in Hawai‘i, regardless of whether the artist currently resides in Hawai‘i; obtained a major part of their artistic training and development in Hawai‘i; is a Hawai‘i resident; or has made a significant impact in Hawai‘i through exhibitions, installations and/or commissions.

How to Apply

Applications will be accepted online only through Call For Entry (CaFÉ): 2020 APP Hawai‘i Request for Qualifications.

Submissions should include:

  • Resume.
  • Artist’s written statement of design philosophy.
  • Seven (7) images of completed work.

Selection Criteria

Appropriateness of the artist’s medium, style and previous professional experience.

Artist Selection Process

After the Café application deadline, SFCA staff will screen applicants for compliance with the selection criteria to establish a qualified candidate pool to be considered for commission/acquisition. These pre-qualified artists will be presented to various Art Advisory Committees (AAC). Up to five (5) semi-finalists may be asked to develop a detailed design proposal for each location or interview. After reviewing proposals or interviewing artists, the AAC will recommend candidate(s) to the SFCA Board of Commissioners for final approval. Artists selected for commissioned artworks are required to obtain a General Excise License from the State of Hawai‘i Department of Taxation. They are also required to obtain a certificate of vendor compliance from Hawai‘i Compliance Express before the contract is awarded.


For questions, please contact Karen Ewald, SFCA Art in Public Places Program Director, by email at [email protected] or by telephone at (808) 586-0300.

About the Art in Public Places Program


The Art in Public Places Program was created to strengthen the State Foundation on Culture and the Arts capability to stimulate, guide and promote culture and the arts through the field of the visual arts. The APP Program seeks to: enhance the environmental quality of state public buildings and spaces throughout the state for the enjoyment and enrichment of the public; cultivate the public’s awareness, understanding and appreciation of visual arts in all media, styles and techniques; contribute toward the development and recognition of a professional artistic community; and acquire, interpret, preserve and display works of art expressive of the character of the Hawaiian Islands, the multicultural heritage of its people, and the various creative interests of its artists.


The Art in Public Places Program (APP Program) was established in 1967 with the enactment of the Art in State Buildings Law, which designated one percent of the construction costs of new buildings for the acquisition of works of art, either by commission or purchase. With this new legislation, Hawai‘i became the first state in the nation to have a percent for art law that established a separate, reliable source of revenue to administer the APP Program. However, the law stated that funds were subject to being returned to the state’s general operating fund if not used by a deadline date.

In 1989, the State Legislature of Hawai‘i created the Works of Art Special Fund that expanded upon the provisions of the Art in State Buildings Law to include having works of art available for all state public places. Added to the source of revenues was one percent of the renovation costs to state capital improvement projects. As a special fund, the moneys generated by state construction and renovation costs are restricted to the Art in Public Places Program and now no longer are subject to being returned to the state’s general operating fund. This provision allowed for long-term planning and completion of significant art projects that were not previously possible.

The statutory authority for the Works of Art Special Fund is found in Hawai‘i Revised Statute Chapter 103-8.5.

APP Permanent Works of Art

Learn more about how the SFCA commissions permanent works of art and about recent commissions: Art in Public Places.

Search the Art in Public Places Collection

Works of art in the Art in Public Places Collection are displayed in public spaces including state government offices, state libraries, state public schools, and the Hawai‘i State Art Museum. The Art in Public Places Collection Online Catalog can be searched by artist, medium, year, and more: Search the Art in Public Places Collection.

All information contained herein does not constitute either an expressed or implied contract and these provisions are subject to change.

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