About the Request for Qualifications
The Art in Public Places Program of the Hawaiʻi State Foundation on Culture and the Arts (SFCA) has posted a Request for Qualifications on Call For Entry (CaFE) for the SFCA Art in Public Places Program. The program is seeking qualifications from individual artists for artwork to be commissioned for various locations statewide. Sites for art may include opportunities for three dimensional freestanding sculpture, two dimensional images translated into durable materials, and large painted murals. Specific locations have not been announced. Through this call the SFCA intends to establish a qualified pool of professional artists for consideration.
Learn more about recent Commissioned Works of Art in the collection on the SFCA website: SFCA Art in Public Places Commissioned Works of Art.
Important Information
- Applications will only be accepted online through CallForEntry.org (2023 APP Hawaiʻi Request for Qualifications).
- You must be registered on CaFE before you can log in and apply for a call for entry.
- This Request for Qualifications is open internationally, with special consideration given to Hawaiʻi artists.
- Application to include a resume, artist’s statement, and seven (7) images of completed work.
- Application deadline Friday, September 1, 2023.
- Alexandra Skees, Art in Public Places Project Manager. Email: Alexandra.Skees@hawaii.gov.
- Kamakani Konia, Art in Public Places Project Manager. Email: Kamakani.P.Konia@hawaii.gov.
About the SFCA Art in Public Places Program
The SFCA’s Art in Public Places (APP) Program acquires completed, portable works of art, and commissions artists to create works of art for specific locations. Works of art are displayed in hundreds of state government sites across Hawaiʻi including schools, libraries, hospitals, airports, state office buildings, the State Capitol and at the Hawaiʻi State Art Museum (HiSAM). The APP Program also supports excellent arts education programming in schools during the school day, out-of-school arts education for pre-K students and lifelong learning for adults.
About the SFCA
The Hawaiʻi State Foundation on Culture and the Arts (SFCA) is Hawaiʻi’s state government arts agency. Established in 1965 by the Hawaiʻi State Legislature, through the vision and effort of Hawaiʻi leaders, the creation of a state arts agency made Hawaiʻi eligible to receive federal grants from the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), newly established on September 29, 1965. The SFCA is administratively attached to the Department of Accounting and General Services and funded by the State of Hawaiʻi and the National Endowment for the Arts.
About State Arts Agencies
State arts agencies were created by legislatures and governors to promote the arts and reduce barriers to cultural participation. Every state and U.S. jurisdiction has a designated arts agency, providing grants, services, and leadership that make the arts accessible to everyone. State arts agencies are funded through appropriations from state legislatures. State arts agencies also receive 40% of the federal grant dollars Congress provides to the National Endowment for the Arts.
Learn more about state arts agencies and regional arts agencies nationwide on the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies website: NASAA-Arts.org/state-arts-agencies.