Grants and fellowships are major parts of the SFCA’s outreach, providing funding to support nonprofit organizations, individuals and schools that provide training and services in the arts, culture, and humanities across the state.
Grant Name | Grantee Specifications | Enrollment Dates |
Community Arts Grants FY2027 | nonprofit 501(c)3 arts and culture organizations | opens August 1, 2025 |
Outreach Initiative Program FY2026 | nonprofit 501(c)3 arts and culture organizations | March 3 - April 14, 2025 |
Organization Name | Island | Project Title | Amount Funded | Grant |
Alexander Academy Performing Company | Maui | The Nutcracker 2024 | $15,000 | SFCA Biennium Grants |
Aloha Performing Arts Company dba Aloha Theatre | Hawaii | Aloha Teen Theatre | $10,000 | SFCA Biennium Grants |
Arts Kauai/Kauai Songwriters | Kaui | Kauai Songwriters Music Festival | $15,000 | SFCA Biennium Grants |
Ballet Hawaii | Oahu | Angel Program FY2025 | $15,000 | SFCA Biennium Grants |
Bamboo Ridge Press | Oahu | Bamboo Ridge Basic FY25 | $15,000 | SFCA Biennium Grants |
East Hawai'i Cultural Council DBA East Hawai'i Cultural Center | Hawaii | Gallery Exhibitions | $15,000 | SFCA Biennium Grants |
Garden Island Arts Council | Kauai | Kaua'i Community Arts Basic Development | $15,000 | SFCA Biennium Grants |
Hana Arts | Maui | Strengthening the East Maui Community through Art | $15,000 | SFCA Biennium Grants |
Hawaii Craftsmen | Oahu | Hawaii Craftsmen Exhibition Programs | $10,000 | SFCA Biennium Grants |
Hawaii Handweavers' Hui | Oahu | Tablet Weaving Basics and Beyond with John Mullarkey | $5,000 | SFCA Biennium Grants |
Hawaii Institute for Music Enrichment and Learning Experiences, Inc. | Oahu | Hawaiian Steel Guitar Festivals and Showcases | $15,000 | SFCA Biennium Grants |
Hawaii International Film Festival | Oahu | 44th Annual Hawaii International Film Festival | $15,000 | SFCA Biennium Grants |
Hawaii Opera Theatre | Oahu | Hawai'i Opera Theatre - Education Programs | $15,000 | SFCA Biennium Grants |
Hawaii Performing Arts Company, Ltd. d.b.a. Manoa Valley Theatre | Oahu | Production Support of MVT's 2024-25 Theatre Season | $15,000 | SFCA Biennium Grants |
Hawaii Quilt Guild, Inc. | Oahu | 2025 Quilt Show | $5,000 | SFCA Biennium Grants |
Hawaii Theatre Center | Oahu | pARTners for the Arts 2024 - 2025 | $15,000 | SFCA Biennium Grants |
Hawaii Youth Opera Chorus | Oahu | Music Education and Performance on Oahu, emphasizing Hawaiian culture | $15,000 | SFCA Biennium Grants |
Hilo Education Arts Repertory Theatre Company (HEART) | Hawaii | I HEART Summer 2025 - A Zero To Low Cost Performing Arts Summer Camp | $15,000 | SFCA Biennium Grants |
Holualoa Foundation for Arts & Culture d.b.a. Donkey Mill Art Center | Hawaii | Donkey Mill Art Center Exhibition Program 2024-2025 | $15,000 | SFCA Biennium Grants |
Honolulu Printmakers | Honolulu | Annual Juried Print Exhibition | $10,000 | SFCA Biennium Grants |
Honolulu Theatre for Youth | Honolulu | HTY's Statewide Tour FY25 | $15,000 | SFCA Biennium Grants |
Hui Noeau | Maui | Enhancing Lives on Maui through Visual Arts Education | $15,000 | SFCA Biennium Grants |
Hula Preservation Society | Oahu | Wai Ola: Aukele and the Waters of Life, A Celebration of Hula Kiʻi | $15,000 | SFCA Biennium Grants |
Japanese Cultural Center of Hawaii | Oahu | Fostering Cultural Awareness through Storytelling for the Classroom | $10,000 | SFCA Biennium Grants |
Kumu Kahua Theatre | Oahu | Kumu Kahua Theatre's 54th Season | $15,000 | SFCA Biennium Grants |
Lahaina Arts Guild | Maui | We Make Art Happen | $15,000 | SFCA Biennium Grants |
Lanai Academy of Performing Arts Inc. | Lanai | LAPA FY25 | $10,000 | SFCA Biennium Grants |
Mana Maoli | Oahu | Mana Mele Knowledge Resource Products | $15,000 | SFCA Biennium Grants |
Manoa Heritage Center | Oahu | Ma Ka Hana Ka Ike 'Learn by Doing' Workshops | $15,000 | SFCA Biennium Grants |
Maui Academy of Performing Arts | Maui | The Living Room Theatre Project | $15,000 | SFCA Biennium Grants |
Maui Classical Music Festival | Maui | 43rd Annual Maui Classical Music Festival | $15,000 | SFCA Biennium Grants |
Maui Pops Orchestra, Inc. | Maui | Maui Pops Orchestra 2024/2025 Concert Season | $15,000 | SFCA Biennium Grants |
Maui Public Art Corps | Maui | Hui Mo'olelo | $15,000 | SFCA Biennium Grants |
Oahu Choral Society | Oahu | Oahu Choral Society Basic Proposal 2024-2025 | $15,000 | SFCA Biennium Grants |
Sounding Joy Music Therapy, Inc. | Oahu | Music Connects: Engaging and Empowering Older Adults through Music Therapy | $15,000 | SFCA Biennium Grants |
TAG - The Actors' Group | Oahu | August Wilson's Pittsburgh Cycle | $15,000 | SFCA Biennium Grants |
Tau Dance Theater | Oahu | Kōkua | $15,000 | SFCA Biennium Grants |
West Hawaii Dance Theatre | Hawaii | West Hawaii Dance Theatre Basic Performance Project Year 2 | $15,000 | SFCA Biennium Grants |
When We Shine Foundation | Maui | Our Kūpuna and the ʻĀina | $15,000 | SFCA Biennium Grants |
YOUNG OF HEART WORKSHOP dba Pu'uhonua Society | Oahu | Keanahala: A Place for Hala | $15,000 | SFCA Biennium Grants |
University of Hawaii | Oahu & Neighbor Islands | Statewide Cultural Extension Program | $50,000 | Outreach Initiaitve Program |
Downtown Art Center | Oahu | Operating Costs | $75,000 | Legislature Grants In Aid |
Dream Cultivators Hawaii | Oahu | Operating Costs | $66,000 | Legislature Grants In Aid |
Hanalei River Heritage Foundation | Kauai | Operating Costs | $150,000 | Legislature Grants In Aid |
Hawaii Keiki Museum | Hawaii | Operating Costs | $179,000 | Legislature Grants In Aid |
Kahuli Leo Lea | Oahu | Operating Costs | $75,000 | Legislature Grants In Aid |
Lanai Academy of Performing Arts | Lanai | Operating Costs | $20,000 | Legislature Grants In Aid |
Bishop Museum | Oahu | Operating Support | $6,750,000 | Legislature Special Purpose Appropriation |
The Friends of Iolani Palace | Oahu | Operating Support | $1,800,000 | Legislature Special Purpose Appropriation |
Hawaiʻi Council for the Humanities | Oahu | Hawaiʻi History Day 2024-2025 | $15,000 | SFCA Biennium Grants |
Hawaii Forest Institute | Hawaii | 2024 Hawaii's Woodshow, Na Lāʻau o Hawaiʻi | $10,000 | SFCA Biennium Grants |
The State Foundation on the Culture and the Arts (SFCA) Outreach Initiative Program provides public funds to nonprofit arts/culture/humanities organizations to support regional touring and outreach activities that increase opportunities for individuals to experience different forms of artistic and cultural expression and engagement.
Applications open March 3 – April 14, 2025.
To promote and encourage appreciation of poetry and literary life in Hawaiʻi and the poetry community, while inspiring an emerging generation of new writers. The Hawaiʻi Poet Laureate will serve a three-year term, with duties including participation in events, a community-engaged poetry publication, facilitation of community-engaged poetry workshops, and readings featuring other local poets.
Nominations closed August 20, 2022 on
Funding for organizations supporting programs and projects that advance the arts, culture, and the humanities in the lives of the people of Hawaiʻi. Formerly known as Biennium Grants.
To support advanced sustained training and mentoring of next-generation cultural practitioners, especially cultural practitioner teachers, in order to build cultural capacity living cultures in Hawaiʻi.
SFCA Community Arts Grants and Artists in the Schools Intent to Apply forms and grant applications are submitted through the Hawaiʻi GoSmart system (
The State Foundation on the Culture and the Arts (SFCA) Culture Fellowship utilizes American Rescue Plan (ARP) funding with support from the Hawaiʻi State Legislature. The Culture Fellowship is for active individual artists and practitioners living in Hawaiʻi, and is a project-based community impact arts and culture fellowship. Eight awards of $25,000 were awarded. Applications June 15 – July 31, 2022 on