Questions regarding a particular opportunity should be directed to the organization listed with the opportunity. Inclusion here should not be interpreted as an endorsement.
State of Hawaiʻi
- City and County of Maui and SMALL TOWN * BIG ART Call to Artists: Request for Expression of Interest (REOI) to co-develop with community stakeholders an innovative project that engages a diverse public audience. For more information, please visit the Small Town Big Art website:
- City and County of Honolulu Department of Parks and Recreation now accepting applications for Summer Fun staff The Honolulu Department of Parks and Recreation and Department of Human Resources are now accepting applications for seasonal staff to assist with the 2023 Summer Fun Program. Hourly salaries upwards of $15.56/hour; contracts May 24 – August 4, 2023. Summer Fun is a city-operated, seasonal day camp where children are engaged in learning experiences in a fun and safe environment. Recreation aids conduct games, sports, arts and crafts, music and dance, and creative drama. Learn more and apply online:
- City and County of Honolulu Oʻahu Historic Preservation Commission seeking candidates: the newly formed Oʻahu Historic Preservation Commission is actively seeking candidates. According to Bill 44, all members of the commission shall have professional, educational, or demonstrated work experience, or a combination therof, in…Architecture, History, Archaeology, Planning, Architectural History, Hawaiian culture, Anthropology, Ethnography, and Sociology. All members should also have a demonstrated interest, competence, and knowledge in historic preservation. Apply by sending your C.V. to
- Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement (CNHA) Prince Kūhiō Parade applications now open for floats, vehicle units, marching bands, and more. Parade is in Kapolei, Oʻahu, on Saturday March 25, 5:30 p.m. For details, please visit the CNHA website:
- Downtown Art Center Heart of Honolulu Festival now accepting vendor applications. Festival is Saturday, April 8, 11:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. in downtown Honolulu. Email for a vendor registration form or download a form from the DAC website:
- Hawaiʻi Arts Alliance Job Openings: Hawaiʻi Arts Alliance (nonprofit arts organization) is hiring for part-time positions, including Communications Manager, Program Coordinator, and Office Coordinator. For more information, please visit the HAA website,
- Hawaiʻi Council for the Humanities invites you to be a judge for 2023’s Hawaiʻi History Day district fairs: The impact judges have on participants is profound, providing opportunities for students to discuss their work and receive written feedback from an outside resource. Students and teachers often cite the interviews and individual written feedback as highlights of this educational journey. Learn more and sign up on the Hawaiʻi Council for the Humanities website:
- Hawaiʻi International Film Festival (HIFF) 2023 Job Openings: Current available position, Partnerships Director (year-round, full-time). For more information, please visit the HIFF website:
- Hawaiʻi State Foundation on Culture and the Arts (SFCA) now hiring Administrative Services Assistant, temporary full-time. This position plans, organizes, coordinates and directs all administrative staff services, advises and assists the Executive Director in internal management, fiscal and personnel staff functions; and performs other duties as required. Please note that this is not a secretarial, clerical, or office support position. For more information, please visit the SFCA website:
- Honolulu Theatre for Youth hiring Teaching Artists in collaboration with HTY Drama Education staff to be responsible for designing and conducting in-school residencies across Oʻahu and occasionally across the state. For more information and to apply, please visit the HTY website:
- Made in Hawaiʻi Branding Workshop Wednesday March 29, 2023, 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. at the Hawaiʻi Convention Center. Learn more and register on the Made in Hawaiʻi website: Sponsored by the State of Hawaiʻi Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism (DBEDT), Hawaiʻi Tourism Authority, and the Oʻahu Visitors Bureau.
- University of Hawaiʻi jobs: for additional information about the positions listed below and for more opportunities, please visit the University of Hawaiʻi career opportunities page:
- Gallery Exhibition Coordinator, University of Hawaiʻi-Mānoa Department of Art and Art History. Part-time temporary.
- Educational Specialist (Exhibitions Assistant and Preparator), University of Hawaiʻi-Mānoa Department of Art and Art History. Full-time, permanent. Applications close March 17, 2023.
- Lecturer, Digital Media Art, Hawaiʻi Community College. Part-time, temporary.
- Lecturer, Art and Creative Media, University of Hawaiʻi-West Oʻahu. Part-time, temporary.
- Lecturer, Art (Applied and Studio), Windward Community College. Part-time, temporary.
- Instructor, Elementary and Performing Arts Teacher Education, University of Hawaiʻi-Mānoa College of Education. Full-time temporary.
- Communications, Publications and Marketing (Assistant Theater Manager), Leeward Community College. Full-time temporary.
- Theater Technician (Technical Director), University of Hawaiʻi-Mānoa Department of Theatre and Dance. Full-time permanent. Applications close March 20, 2023.
- Lecturer, Drama and Theater, Fall 2023/Spring 2024/Summer 2024, Windward Community College. Part-time temporary.
Calls for Artists in Hawaiʻi
- Downtown Art Center Documentary Photography Juried Show open-call documentary photography contest for Hawai’i-based photographers. For more information, please visit the Downtown Art Center website:
- Honolulu Mayor’s Office of Culture and the Arts (MOCA) Call for Exhibition Proposals – MOCA is accepting proposals for the 2023 exhibit calendars. MOCA manages civic spaces inside Honolulu Hale such as the courtyard and Lane Gallery. These spaces are used to showcase the talents of visual artists and showcase the work of non-profit organizations and schools from our diverse community. Partnerships with community organizations have enabled MOCA to grace the halls of City buildings with a wide range of artwork displayed on a monthly basis. All exhibits are free and open to the public. Learn more and apply on the MOCA website:
- Loʻi Gallery at American Savings Bank (downtown Honolulu) is taking applications for exhibits. Learn more and apply on their website:
- Call for Entry (CAFE): The Call for Entry (CAFE) website can be searched by state (choose the “sort by” menu on the left side of the screen). Search the Café website:
- “In the Time of Climate Change”, University of Hawaiʻi-Hilo Art Department. International exhibition open to artists ages 18 and older. Deadline: March 15, 2023. For more information, please view the call for artists on
- “Glow in the Garden” public art in the Will Smith Imua Discovery Garden (Maui). Open to international applicants. Applications due April 14, 2023. For more information, please visit the call for artists on
- 2023 REOI: Wailuku Municipal Parking Structure Interior Wayfinding Public Art, County of Maui and Small Town Big Art. Open to international applicants. Applications due March 26, 2023. For more information, please view the call for artists on
- 2023 MidSummer Art Celebration, Wailoa Center and Hawaiʻi Island Art Alliance (HIAA). Submissions due May 12, 2023. For more information, please view the call for artists on
Western Arts Alliance 2023 Official Showcase Program Call for Applications: Eight artists/ensembles will be selected to perform at the showcase in Seattle, Washington for an audience of presenters, agents, and other performing arts professionals. Applications due March 8, 2023. For more information and to apply, please visit the Western Arts Alliance website:
WESTAF TourWest 2023 Applications Open March 20: the Western States Arts Federation (WESTAF) TourWest is a competitive grant program supported by the National Endowment for the Arts, providing subsidies to WESTAF-regional arts and community organizations for the presentation of touring performers. The WESTAF region includes the states of Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawai’i, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming, and Pacific jurisdictions (American Samoa, Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI), Guam). For more information and to apply, please visit the WESTAF website:
Federal Grants
The website can be searched by eligibility, category, and more. Below are a few currently open grants related to arts and culture.
Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service (U.S. FWS)
- U.S. FWS Youth Engagement, Education, and Employment Grant. Eligible applicants include nonprofits that reach or represent potentially underserved communities. Closing date for applications: September 10, 2023. For more information and to apply, please visit the website:
- U.S. FWS Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program. This is a voluntary, incentive-based program that provides direct technical assistance and financial assistance in the form of cooperative and grant agreements to private landowners to restore and conserve fish and wildlife habitat for the benefit of federal trust resources. Eligible applicants include individuals, for-profit organizations, and nonprofits. Private lands include Hawaiian homeland properties. Closing date for applications: September 30, 2023. For more information and to apply, please visit the website:
Department of State
- U.S. Embassy Apia, Samoa Public Diplomacy Grants Program PDS Samoa invites Statements of Interest (SOI) for projects that seek to do at least one of the following: strengthen U.S.-Samoa cooperation and coordination on global issues of shared interest (e.g. combatting climate change); promote the mutual benefits of tech and innovation; and promote stronger connections between the people of the United States and Samoa. Eligible applicants include individuals and nonprofits. Closing date for applications: August 1, 2023. For more information and to apply, please visit the website:
Library of Congress
- 2023 Library of Congress Literacy Awards for Organizations applications open through March 1: applicant information session Thursday, February 2, 1:00 p.m. EST (attendees must register for the session in advance: Literacy Awards Webinar Registration). The application rules and a downloadable application form may be accessed at Applications must be received by 11:59 p.m. EST on March 1, 2023.
- Be a Virtual Volunteer: help transcribe Library of Congress documents online: Volunteers create and review transcriptions to improve search, access, and discovery of these pages from history.
National Archives and Records Administration (NHPRC)
- NHPRC-Mellon Planning Grants for Collaborative Digital Editions: The National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC), with funding provided by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, seeks proposals for its planning grant program for Collaborative Digital Editions in African American, Asian American, Hispanic American, and Native American History and Ethnic Studies. Overarching goal to broaden participation in the production and publication of historical and scholarly digital editions. Application closing date June 7, 2023. For more information, please visit the NHPRC website:
National Endowment for the Arts (NEA)
The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) is the only arts funder in the United States—public or private—that provides access to the arts in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. jurisdictions. Each year, the NEA awards thousands of grants to provide everyone in the United States with diverse opportunities for arts participation. Learn more about how to apply, the process, and more on the NEA website:
- Challenge America: Challenge America offers support primarily to small organizations for projects in all artistic disciplines to reach historically underserved groups/communities that have rich and dynamic cultural identities. Challenge America may be a good entry point for organizations that are new to applying for federal funding. The category features an abbreviated application, a robust structure of technical assistance, and grants for a set amount of $10,000. Register for a guidelines webinar on Wednesday, March 1 10:00 a.m. Hawaiʻi Standard Time (3:00 p.m. Eastern Time) to learn more: Application deadline: April 27, 2023.
- NEA Creative Writing Fellowships: The 2023 National Endowment for the Arts Literature Fellowships program will offer $25,000 grants in prose (fiction and creative nonfiction) to published creative writers that enable the recipients to set aside time for writing, research, travel, and general career advancement. Please go to the NEA website for more information: Application deadline March 8, 2023.
- Volunteer to be a National Endowment for the Arts Panelist: Arts Endowment panelists play a central role in reviewing applications for funding. The NEA relies on panels composed of individuals who represent a broad range of artistic and cultural viewpoints, as well as wide geographic and ethnic diversity, to provide advice about the artistic excellence and artistic merit of proposals in a variety of funding categories. Panels are composed of both arts professionals and knowledgeable laypersons. Most panelists are arts professionals who are qualified by their activities, training, skills, and/or experience in one or more art forms. Every panel also includes a layperson – someone knowledgeable about the arts but not engaged in the arts as a profession either full- or part-time. Learn more on the NEA website:
National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)
- NEH Division of Research Programs Fellowships: The purpose of this program is to support individual scholars pursuing projects that embody exceptional humanistic research, rigorous analysis, and clear writing. Fellowships provide recipients time to conduct research or to produce books, monographs, peer-reviewed articles, e-books, digital materials, translations with annotations or a critical apparatus, or critical editions resulting from previous research. Deadline: April 12, 2023. For more information, please visit the NEH website:
- NEH Public Scholars Grant: Eligible applicants: individuals. The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Division of Research Programs is accepting applications for the Public Scholars program. The program offers grants to individual authors for research, writing, travel, and other activities leading to the creation and publication of well-researched nonfiction books in the humanities written for the broad public. It encourages non-academic writers to deepen their engagement with the humanities by strengthening the research underlying their books, and it encourages academic writers in the humanities to communicate the significance of their research to the broadest possible range of readers. The program continues to offer special encouragement to independent writers, researcher, and scholars and others who have no long-term affiliation with an academic institution. Deadline: November 29, 2023. For additional information and to apply, please visit the NEH website:
Department of Interior
- 2023 Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NGRPA) Consultation/Documentation Grants and FY2023 NAGPRA Repatriation Grants CFDA Number 15.922 supports efforts determining the geographical origin, cultural affiliation, and other basic facts surrounding the acquisition of Native Hawaiian cultural items. Consultation and documentation projects should lead to determining control, treatment, repatriation, and disposition of NAGPRA cultural items. (May 12 deadline)
- Fish and Wildlife Service F23AS00069 Youth Engagement, Education, and Employment CFDA Number 15.676 provides work and education opportunities for youth (defined as ages 16-30 inclusive, and up to age 35 for veterans) participants in the areas of natural and cultural resource conservation, development, and scientific research. (September 10 deadline)
This post was updated on March 15, 2023.