Press Release: First Phase of American Rescue Plan Funding From the National Endowment Includes $759,500 for Hawaiʻi

April 29, 2021

DATE: April 29, 2021
CONTACT: Mamiko Carroll, Information Specialist

First Phase of American Rescue Plan Funding from the National Endowment Includes $759,500 for Hawaiʻi

HONOLULU, HAWAI’I —The National Endowment for the Arts is recommending an award of $759,500 to the Hawaiʻi State Foundation on Culture and the Arts (SFCA) in the NEA’s first distribution of funds from the American Rescue Plan (ARP). This emergency funding is designed to support the arts sector as it recovers from the devastating impact of the COVID-19. It is part of the $135 million allocated for the Arts Endowment in the ARP which represents a significant commitment to the arts and a recognition of the value of the arts and culture sector to the nation’s economy and recovery.

 “The release of these American Rescue Plan funds marks an important step in the economic recovery of the creative sector,” said NEA Acting Chair Ann Eilers. ” The knowledge of the Hawaiʻi State Foundation on Culture and the Arts about the arts and culture landscape in Hawaiʻi makes it an ideal steward of federal dollars. The Arts Endowment is grateful for the continued leadership of the Hawaiʻi State Foundation on Culture and the Arts as the arts sector rebuilds in a way that works better for all arts organizations.”

Information about the method of distribution of funds by the SFCA is forthcoming.

Update on the National Endowment for the Arts’ Direct ARP Grants to Organizations

The remaining 60 percent of the ARP money will be awarded by the Arts Endowment directly to non-profit organizations to help support jobs in the arts sector, keep the doors open to arts organizations nationwide, and assist the field in its response to and recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Guidelines and application materials for a second phase of American Rescue Plan funding from the Arts Endowment are expected to be available in June, pending review.

PDF version of Press Release: First Phase of American Rescue Plan Funding From the National Endowment Includes $759,500 for Hawaiʻi (PDF)
Word version of Press Release: First Phase of American Rescue Plan Funding From the National Endowment Includes $759,500 for Hawaiʻi (Word)

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