Folk & Traditional Arts Grants

To support advanced sustained training and mentoring of next-generation cultural practitioners, especially cultural practitioner teachers, in order to build cultural capacity of living cultures in Hawaiʻi.

About Folk and Traditional Arts Grants​

The application cycle is closed and no applications will be accepted. If there is a call for applications, information will be provided here and in the SFCA monthly email newsletter (subscribe here).

Purpose of the Apprentice Mentoring Grant

To support advanced sustained training and mentoring of next-generation cultural practitioners, especially cultural practitioner teachers, in order to build cultural capacity living cultures in Hawaiʻi.

Applicant Eligibility at the Time of Application

  • Individual applicants are U.S citizens or U.S. permanent residents.
  • Individual applicants are State of Hawaiʻi residents.
  • Individual apprentice applicants are at least 16 years of age.

Grant Project Eligibility at the Time of Application

  • Projects must be implemented entirely in the State of Hawaiʻi.
  • Projects must be for folk and traditional cultural arts and practices of living traditions that are relevant to cultural communities in the State of Hawaiʻi.
  • Relevant means that they are practiced, taught, learned and/or shared within the cultural community to which the folk or traditional art or practice belongs.
  • Only one application per individual applicant (individual teacher or apprentice).

Grant Amount

A one-year grant amount ranges from $4,000 to $6,500. The teaching grant is $4,000. An optional travel subsidy for interisland travel may also be requested.

Application Information

  • The Teacher is the Applicant.
  • Teacher and Apprentice(s) must apply as a project team.
  • A Teacher may have one to three Apprentices.
  • The correct forms must be used. No substitutions.

Related Resources

Two women and a man posing in garden holding masks

Staff Contact

Arts Program Specialist