Programs for Organizations

Grants to organizations are a major part of SFCA’s outreach, providing funding to support nonprofit organizations, individuals and schools that provide training and services in the arts, culture and humanities across the state.

Arts First Partners

Arts First is a network of organizations whose mission is to work collaboratively to create the conditions and culture that promise a comprehensive high-quality arts education – learning in, about, and through the arts – for every student in Hawaiʻi.

Artists in the Schools

Quality arts experiences for Hawaiʻis K-12 public and charter school students. All state of Hawai‘i public schools and public charter schools, grades K through 12, are eligible to apply.

Outreach Initiative Program

Providing public funds to support regional touring and outreach activities that increase opportunities for individuals to experience different forms of artistic and cultural expression and engagement. 

Biennium Grants

Funding for organizations supporting programs and projects that advance the arts, culture, and the humanities in the lives of the people of Hawaiʻi.

Rent the Museum

Rent the Hawaiʻi State Art Museum in downtown Honolulu for special events! Discount available for nonprofit organizations.