SFCA American Rescue Plan Grants

May 17, 2021

The National Endowment for the Arts is recommending an award amount of $759,500 to the State Foundation on Culture and the Arts (SFCA) in the NEA’s first distribution of funds from the American Rescue Plan (ARP). This emergency funding is designed to support the arts sector as it recovers from the devastating impact of COVID-19. The State Foundation on the Culture and the Arts will utilize this funding to administer two grants benefiting the state’s arts community: one for nonprofit organizations and one for individual artists. The SFCA American Rescue Plan (ARP) Recovery Grant supporting eligible non-profit arts organizations will launch the Intent to Apply from June 1, 2021 through July 18, 2021. Organizations must submit their eligibility documents by the Intent to Apply deadline to complete an Application. The Application will open July 1, 2021 and close July 31, 2021. The grant request amount is $15,000 and there is no match requirement for organizations. The recovery grant supports: 

  • Salaried staff positions
  • Fees for artists and contractual personnel
  • Facilities expenses
  • Costs associated with the health and safety supplies for staff and/or visitors and audiences (PPE & cleaning supplies)
  • Select marketing and promotion costs 

More information on eligibility, the grant application process, and deadlines will be available on the State Foundation on Culture and the Arts website news page, www.sfca.hawaii.gov/news. The SFCA grants team can be contacted at 808-586-0309 or SFCAgrants@hawaii.gov. 

The release of these American Rescue Plan funds marks an important step in the economic recovery of the creative sector in Hawaiʻi. 

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