SFCA Artists in the Schools spotlight: Konawaena High School (2024)
Photo: Konawaena High School students using ʻohe kāpala to stamp borders on bandanas. “Given our location and access, many South Kona students do not have
Quality arts experiences for Hawaiʻi’s pre-K – 12 public and charter school students.
The Artists in the Schools (AITS) application is completed and submitted in the Hawaii GO Smart online application system: HawaiiGoSmart.org.
Photo: Konawaena High School students using ʻohe kāpala to stamp borders on bandanas. “Given our location and access, many South Kona students do not have
Photo: students learning taiko drumming with Chizuko Endo. In letters to state legislators, SFCA Artistic Teaching Partner Chizuko Endo said “Through Artists in the Schools,
Fifty-five fifth grade students at President Thomas Jefferson Elementary School (Honolulu, Oʻahu) “immersed themselves in the joy of creating drawings and working with clay, fully
The Artists in the Schools (AITS) Program is under the jurisdiction of the SFCA. AITS arts residency grants provide engaging, creative, and fun learning experiences based on the Fine Arts standards for all grade levels, through residencies with qualified, trained teaching artists from the Artistic Teaching Partners (ATP) Roster. Many of these teaching artists integrate their art form with other core curriculum areas, such as language arts, math, social studies, and science, meeting both Fine Arts and other core standards.
Online Information Sessions
Artists in the Schools information sessions for School Year 2025-2026/7:
These information sessions are for Hawaiʻi public and charter schools interested in applying. Hawaiʻi public and charter school classroom teachers, curriculum specialists, vice-principals, and principals can apply in tandem with a teaching artist from the SFCA Artistic Teaching Partner Roster.
School Year 2025-2026/7 application materials. To submit, please go to the application portal, Hawaii.GoSmart.org. Applications are due by March 30, 2025.
The Artists in the Schools Program Values:
Partnership – Teaching Artists and schools collaborate closely.
Creativity and Individuality – Teaching Artists and schools design specific experiences that are meaningful to all stakeholders involved.
Cultural Relevance – Pedagogy is well-informed of and responsive to the unique cultural context of Hawaiʻi.
Student-Centered Education – Lessons and experiences empower students to take an active role on their own education and design their learning.
Educational Equality – Residencies, PDs, and infrastructure are designed in such a way that we may live into our kuleana to racial and economic equality and support individuals with diverse physical abilities, learning styles, sexualities, gender expressions, and geographic realities.
All state of Hawai‘i public schools and public charter schools, grades pre-K through 12, are eligible to apply for ONE arts residency grant annually. This year, schools can apply for a one-year or two-year long grant. Schools must work in partnership with a teaching artist from the SFCA’s Artistic Teaching Partners (ATP) Roster to develop the residency. The roster lists qualified trained individual teaching artists and arts organizations. The roster is updated annually before each call for AITS applications. (Download the roster PDF below under “Necessary Materials for Applying” or use the searchable roster: Artistic Teaching Partners (ATP) Roster).
A residency consists of a minimum of 5 secondary or 8 elementary sessions by the teaching artist with the same core group of students. The learning experiences must support the Fine Arts Standards from the Department of Education Hawai‘i Content and Performance Standards III. Teaching artists on the Artistic Teaching Partners Roster bring dance, drama/theatre, literary arts, mime, music, puppetry, and visual arts to the classroom in their arts residency.
Schools may apply for either an Artists in the Schools General Grant or an Artists in the Schools Art in Public Places Grant. All Hawai‘i public and public charter schools are eligible to apply. Neither grant requires a school match.
Schools are able to apply for a one- or two-year long residency. The grant funds and arts residency activities are for only School year 2024- 2025, or School Years 2024-2026 if applying for a two year residency. Individual Artistic Teaching Partners working with multiple schools must ensure that all of their schools are either all one-year or two-year long residencies due to contracting.
The goal of the general grant is to incorporate the Teaching Artists’ art form into classrooms, utilizing art standards. This grant can be either arts integration, or focused on a specific arts practice. The maximum grant amount is $8,000 plus an additional (optional) $500 for Professional Development for the classroom teachers. If your school would like to learn about the school match reduction/waiver, please contact Danica Rosengren at [email protected].
The goal of this Art in Public Places (APP) Grant is to increase students’ appreciation of, and engagement with, works of art in the Art in Public Places Collection. The emphasis for APP arts residencies is on interpreting an artwork by means of the Teaching Artist’s art form. The goal is to increase students’ appreciation of, and engagement with, the Arts in Public Places Collection. Most artworks can be viewed in this online photo gallery: DAGS.Hawaii.gov/SFCA/APP/gallery.
The maximum grant amount is $8,000 plus an optional additional $500 for Professional Development for classroom teachers.
AITS is funded with state appropriations from the State of Hawai‘i Legislature, federal funds from the National Endowment for the Arts and private matching funds from the Hawai‘i Community Foundation. In the 2023-2024 school year, 125 schools received AITS funds to conduct their arts residencies.
These schools received an Artists in the Schools grant for School Year 2024-2025.
School Name | Island | Artistic Teaching Partner | Arts Discipline | AITS Project Title | Length of Residency | APP or General |
Kua O Ka La Public Charter School | Hawai'i | Maui Dance Council | Dance :Music | Musicality in Motion | One Year Residency | General Grant |
Connections PCS | Hawai'i | Adams, Lisa Louise | Visual Arts | The Wonder of Watercolor and Place | Two Year Residency | Art in Public Places Grant |
Ernest Bowen DeSilva Elementary School | Hawai'i | Adams, Lisa Louise | Visual Arts | Strength In Diversity"" Sculpture Inspires Creativity | Two Year Residency | Art in Public Places Grant |
Ha'aheo Elementary School | Hawai'i | Adams, Lisa Louise | Visual Arts | Interpreting Art Through Drawing and Watercolor Explorations | Two Year Residency | Art in Public Places Grant |
Hawaii Technology Academy, Kona PCS | Hawai'i | Marcil, Beth | Visual Arts | Modeling Relationships and Finding Our Way with Paper Engineering | Two Year Residency | General Grant |
Hilo Intermediate School | Hawai'i | Marcil, Beth | Visual Arts | Art of Debate: Bringing Hawaiian History to Life with Bookmaking, Illustration, & Lively Discourse | Two Year Residency | General Grant |
Hilo Union Elementary School | Hawai'i | Honolulu Theatre for Youth:McGee, Debra | Dance :Drama/Theatre (includes Storytelling, Puppetry, Mime) | Reading and understanding âWaianuenue,â Rainbow Water: Connecting people to place through the Arts | Two Year Residency | Art in Public Places Grant |
Holualoa Elementary School | Hawai'i | Donkey Mill Art Center | Visual Arts | Exploring Cultural KÄ«puka Through the Arts | Two Year Residency | Art in Public Places Grant |
Honaunau Elementary School | Hawai'i | Honolulu Theatre for Youth | Drama/Theatre (includes Storytelling, Puppetry, Mime) | Dramatizing Culture: Creative Experiences with Literature | Two Year Residency | General Grant |
Innovations Public Charter School | Hawai'i | Honolulu Theatre for Youth | Drama/Theatre (includes Storytelling, Puppetry, Mime) | Critical Thought, Creative Expression | Two Year Residency | General Grant |
Kahakai Elementary School | Hawai'i | Donkey Mill Art Center | Visual Arts | Embracing the Elements: Exploring HawaiÊ»iâs Weather in Abstract and Landscape Painting | Two Year Residency | General Grant |
Kalaniana'ole Elementary & Intermediate School | Hawai'i | Sol Hahn, Bonnie | Visual Arts | The Reef and Us: Drawing, Painting and Sculpting creatures of the reef | Two Year Residency | Art in Public Places Grant |
Kanu o ka Aina NCPCS | Hawai'i | Prince Dance Company | Dance | Molten Motion.... Dancing Through Our Emotions | Two Year Residency | Art in Public Places Grant |
Ka'u High & Pahala Elementary | Hawai'i | Diminyatz, Kevin | Visual Arts | Ka'u Keiki Growing in the Wind! | Two Year Residency | Art in Public Places Grant |
Keaau Elementary School | Hawai'i | Adams, Lisa Louise | Visual Arts | âExpressing Place through Interpretation and Creationâ | Two Year Residency | Art in Public Places Grant |
Keaau High School | Hawai'i | Adams, Lisa Louise | Visual Arts | Explorations in Color, Clay and Creativity | Two Year Residency | Art in Public Places Grant |
Keaau Middle School | Hawai'i | McGee, Debra | Dance | Hip Hopâs Voyage: A Rhythmically Rich Dance Experience | Two Year Residency | General Grant |
Kealakehe Elementary School | Hawai'i | Honolulu Theatre for Youth | Drama/Theatre (includes Storytelling, Puppetry, Mime) | Our Stories, Ourselves: A creative journey | Two Year Residency | General Grant |
Keonepoko | Hawai'i | Adams, Lisa Louise | Visual Arts | Printmaking and Patterns within our Ahupua'a | Two Year Residency | Art in Public Places Grant |
Konawaena Elementary School | Hawai'i | Crocker, Ellen | Visual Arts | Expressing Self Through Art and Culture | Two Year Residency | Art in Public Places Grant |
Konawaena High School | Hawai'i | Crocker, Ellen | Visual Arts | Modern History of Hawaiʻi/Sumi-e, Elements & Principles of Art & Creating Community Through Art | Two Year Residency | Art in Public Places Grant |
Laupahoehoe Public Charter School | Hawai'i | Prince Dance Company | Dance | Movement that moves you: how the arts communicate emotions, ideas and opinions. | Two Year Residency | General Grant |
Mountain View Elementary School | Hawai'i | McGee, Debra:Sol Hahn, Bonnie | Dance :Visual Arts | Moving Mural: Dance Inspired by Murals (ATP1) Drawings taking Flight: Drawing Birds of Hawaii (ATP2) | Two Year Residency | General Grant |
Paauilo Elem. and Inter School | Hawai'i | McGee, Debra:Prince Dance Company | Dance | Moâolelo in Motion: Dances Inspired by Murals | Two Year Residency | General Grant |
Waiakea Intermediate School | Hawai'i | Adams, Lisa Louise | Visual Arts | Explorations in Watercolor | Two Year Residency | Art in Public Places Grant |
Waikoloa Elementary and Middle School | Hawai'i | Adams, Lisa Louise | Visual Arts | Creative Hawaiian Plant Mosaics | Two Year Residency | Art in Public Places Grant |
Waimea Elementary School | Hawai'i | Prince Dance Company | Dance | Dance Through Waimea: Waimea Images Artwork Interpreted | Two Year Residency | Art in Public Places Grant |
Waimea Middle School | Hawai'i | Prince Dance Company | Dance | Daily Living Danced | Two Year Residency | General Grant |
Hawaii Technology Academy, Kauai PCS | Kaua'i | Weiner, Jill | Visual Arts | From landscape to bodyscape - Creating sustainable wearable art | One Year Residency | Art in Public Places Grant |
Hanalei Elementary School | Kaua'i | Lathrop, Kayti | Cultural Arts :Visual Arts | Moâolelo Mural Legacy Project! | Two Year Residency | Art in Public Places Grant |
Kanuikapono Public Charter School | Kaua'i | Cook, Mauli Ola | Dance | Dancing the Story | Two Year Residency | General Grant |
Kapaa Middle School | Kaua'i | Lathrop, Kayti | Cultural Arts :Visual Arts | Moâolelo Mural Magic | Two Year Residency | Art in Public Places Grant |
Kilauea Elementary School | Kaua'i | Carter, Ashiya K.:Lotus Arts Foundation | Dance :Music | Set Your Own Score: The Synergy of Art, Dance & Music | Two Year Residency | Art in Public Places Grant |
Lanai High & Elementary School | Lana'i | Maui Dance Council | Dance | Connecting to Culture and Place Through Dance | Two Year Residency | General Grant |
Kamalii Elementary School | Maui | Osborne, Lasensua | Dance :Music | Music & Dance for trauma-informed SEL | One Year Residency | General Grant |
Kihei Charter School | Maui | Matheis, Julie | Visual Arts | Kilo Na Manu: Eco Assemblage | One Year Residency | General Grant |
Kihei Elementary School | Maui | Osborne, Lasensua | Dance :Music | Enhancing SEL with trauma-informed music & dance | One Year Residency | General Grant |
Lahaina Intermediate | Maui | Maui Arts and Cultural Center | Visual Arts:Other | Art Therapy in the Classroom: Expressive Arts Journey | One Year Residency | General Grant |
Lahainaluna High School | Maui | Maui Arts and Cultural Center | Visual Arts | Visualizing and Manifesting through Visual Arts & Yoga: A Study of Self | One Year Residency | General Grant |
Maui High School | Maui | Sutrov, Maggie | Visual Arts | Visualizing Marine Biology | One Year Residency | General Grant |
Pukalani Elementary School | Maui | Maui Dance Council | Dance :Music | Making Math Meaningful with Music & Dance | One Year Residency | General Grant |
Samuel E Kalama Intermediate School | Maui | Matheis, Julie | Cultural Arts :Visual Arts | Hawaiian Feather Work: Honoring the Past & Creating for the Future | One Year Residency | Art in Public Places Grant |
Haiku Elementary School | Maui | Maui Dance Council | Dance | Lõkahi KÄkou: United In Harmony and Aloha Through Dance | Two Year Residency | General Grant |
Hana Elementary School | Maui | Maui Dance Council | Dance :Music | My Body Is My Instrument â Let's Tune the Instrument! | Two Year Residency | General Grant |
Hawaii Technology Academy, Kihei PCS | Maui | Maui Academy of Performing Arts | Drama/Theatre (includes Storytelling, Puppetry, Mime) | Bringing Stories to Life through Drama | Two Year Residency | General Grant |
Iao Intermediate School | Maui | Marcil, Beth | Visual Arts | Journey to Self-Discovery: Exploring the Human Spirit Through Intuitive Collage and Poetry | Two Year Residency | General Grant |
Kaunakakai Elementary School | Maui | Maui Dance Council | Dance :Music | Rhymes and Rhythm Move Me | Two Year Residency | General Grant |
King Kekaulike High School | Maui | Maui Academy of Performing Arts | Drama/Theatre (includes Storytelling, Puppetry, Mime) | Bringing Shakespeare's Characters to Life | Two Year Residency | General Grant |
Kula Elementary School | Maui | Maui Dance Council | Dance :Music | Listening With Our Bodies: Developing Musicality in Dance | Two Year Residency | General Grant |
Lihikai Elementary School | Maui | Maui Dance Council | Dance | These Are My Superpowers... | Two Year Residency | Art in Public Places Grant |
Lokelani Intermediate School | Maui | Carter, Ashiya K. | Dance | Speak On It, Dance On It | Two Year Residency | General Grant |
Makawao Elementary School | Maui | Maui Dance Council | Music | Musical Teamwork: Unity through Rhythm & Song | Two Year Residency | General Grant |
Paia Elementary School | Maui | Maui Dance Council | Dance :Music | The World of Dance & Diversity | Two Year Residency | General Grant |
Pomaikai Elementary School | Maui | Honolulu Theatre for Youth | Drama/Theatre (includes Storytelling, Puppetry, Mime) | Creative Stewards for a Sustainable Future | Two Year Residency | General Grant |
Puu Kukui Elementary School | Maui | Maui Dance Council | Dance :Music | Dancing The Leader in Me | Two Year Residency | General Grant |
Wailuku Elementary School | Maui | Maui Academy of Performing Arts | Drama/Theatre (includes Storytelling, Puppetry, Mime) | Page to Stage: Building Reading Skills through Drama | Two Year Residency | General Grant |
Maunaloa Elementary School | Moloka'i | Maui Dance Council | Dance :Music | Rhythmicity-Gotta Get the Beat! | One Year Residency | General Grant |
Kilohana Elementary School | Moloka'i | Maui Dance Council | Dance | Celebrating Ka 'Oihana Lawai'a Through Dance | Two Year Residency | General Grant |
Blanche Pope Elementary School | O'ahu | Hawaii Opera Theater | Drama/Theatre (includes Storytelling, Puppetry, Mime):Music | Creating an Opera: The moʻolelo of Olomana | One Year Residency | General Grant |
Haleiwa Elementary School | O'ahu | Kim, Bonnie | Drama/Theatre (includes Storytelling, Puppetry, Mime) | Problem-Solving Stories with Puppets | One Year Residency | General Grant |
Heʻeia Elementary | O'ahu | Hawaii Opera Theater | Drama/Theatre (includes Storytelling, Puppetry, Mime):Music | Opera Creation: A weaving of Moʻolelo of Heʻeia | One Year Residency | General Grant |
Hokulani Elementary School | O'ahu | McCarthy, James | Drama/Theatre (includes Storytelling, Puppetry, Mime) | A Skillful Tapestry: Weaving Drama together with Culture, Nature and Literature | One Year Residency | General Grant |
Jarrett Middle School | O'ahu | Kheddaoui, Fatiha | Visual Arts | Integrating Three Visual Art Forms: Connecting with the World Around Us | One Year Residency | General Grant |
Ka'ala Elementary School | O'ahu | Kean, Steven | Visual Arts | Adventures in Watercolor | One Year Residency | General Grant |
Manoa Elementary School | O'ahu | Wisnosky, Mimi E. | Dance :Literary Arts | Defining Mountains of Glass: Creating Poetry and Dance Via Visual Art | One Year Residency | Art in Public Places Grant |
Moanalua Middle School | O'ahu | Drama Crew, The (Michael Cowell) | Drama/Theatre (includes Storytelling, Puppetry, Mime) | Finding Your Bravery Through the Ensemble | One Year Residency | General Grant |
MOKULELE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL | O'ahu | Groove for Good (Joy Prentice) | Dance :Visual Arts | MULTICULTURAL EXPLORATION THROUGH ARTISTIC S.E.L. & SOCIAL DANCE LITERACY | One Year Residency | Art in Public Places Grant |
Nuuanu Elementary School | O'ahu | Drama Crew, The (Michael Cowell) | Drama/Theatre (includes Storytelling, Puppetry, Mime) | Dramatic Social Studies for Grades K, 2, and 5 | One Year Residency | General Grant |
Pearl City Elementary School | O'ahu | Kim, Bonnie | Drama/Theatre (includes Storytelling, Puppetry, Mime) | Masks and Shapes | One Year Residency | General Grant |
Pearl City High School | O'ahu | Kim, Bonnie | Drama/Theatre (includes Storytelling, Puppetry, Mime) | Interpreting âMoon Beyond the Fenceâ by Satoru Abe with Puppetry | One Year Residency | Art in Public Places Grant |
Pearl City Highlands Elementary School | O'ahu | Womack, Kiara | Visual Arts | Aohe hana nui ke alu ia: No task is too big when done together. (Olelo Noeau no. 142) | One Year Residency | Art in Public Places Grant |
PEARL HARBOR ELEMENTARY | O'ahu | Groove for Good (Joy Prentice) | Dance :Visual Arts | DISCOVERING OUR STRENGTHS THROUGH DANCE LITERACY & PHYSICAL S.E.L. | One Year Residency | Art in Public Places Grant |
Prince Jonah Kuhio Elementary School | O'ahu | Drama Crew, The (Michael Cowell) | Drama/Theatre (includes Storytelling, Puppetry, Mime) | Dramatic Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies for Grades 1-4 | One Year Residency | General Grant |
Red Hill Elementary School | O'ahu | McCarthy, James | Drama/Theatre (includes Storytelling, Puppetry, Mime) | Upon the Land, Upon the Sea: Exploring Cultural Richness Broadly and Deeply | One Year Residency | General Grant |
Sunset Beach Elementary School | O'ahu | Kim, Bonnie | Drama/Theatre (includes Storytelling, Puppetry, Mime) | Problem-Solving Stories with Puppets | One Year Residency | General Grant |
Waiahole Elementary School | O'ahu | Tam, Sheanae | Visual Arts | Relationships in the Kai | One Year Residency | General Grant |
Waialae Public Charter School | O'ahu | Honolulu Theatre for Youth | Drama/Theatre (includes Storytelling, Puppetry, Mime) | Role-playing History: Exploring Culture Creatively | One Year Residency | General Grant |
Waialua Elementary School | O'ahu | Kean, Steven | Visual Arts | âAbstract Explorationsâ | One Year Residency | Art in Public Places Grant |
Waikele Elementary School | O'ahu | Hawaii Opera Theater | Drama/Theatre (includes Storytelling, Puppetry, Mime):Music | The Lessons We Learn with Fables | One Year Residency | General Grant |
Waikiki Elementary School | O'ahu | McCarthy, James | Drama/Theatre (includes Storytelling, Puppetry, Mime) | ALL TOGETHER NOWâ¦AND THEN!: Laulima (working together)through creating and performing drama | One Year Residency | General Grant |
Waipahu High School | O'ahu | Honolulu Theatre for Youth | Drama/Theatre (includes Storytelling, Puppetry, Mime) | My Voice, My Choice, My Future: A creative journey | One Year Residency | General Grant |
Ala Wai Elementary School | O'ahu | Honolulu Theatre for Youth | Drama/Theatre (includes Storytelling, Puppetry, Mime) | Cultivating Creative Voices | Two Year Residency | General Grant |
Aliamanu Elementary School | O'ahu | Honolulu Theatre for Youth | Drama/Theatre (includes Storytelling, Puppetry, Mime) | Agents of Change: Creative solutions | Two Year Residency | General Grant |
Enchanted Lake Elementary School | O'ahu | Honolulu Theatre for Youth | Drama/Theatre (includes Storytelling, Puppetry, Mime) | Dramatic Events: Exploring Culture Creatively | Two Year Residency | General Grant |
Haha`ione Elementary School | O'ahu | Honolulu Theatre for Youth | Drama/Theatre (includes Storytelling, Puppetry, Mime) | People express culture through the Arts | Two Year Residency | General Grant |
Hawaii School for the Deaf and the Blind | O'ahu | Endo, Chizuko | Cultural Arts :Music:Other | Taiko Vibrations | Two Year Residency | Art in Public Places Grant |
Kaaawa Elementary School | O'ahu | Honolulu Theatre for Youth | Drama/Theatre (includes Storytelling, Puppetry, Mime) | Creative Exploration of Cultural History and Tradition | Two Year Residency | General Grant |
Kaelepulu Elementary School | O'ahu | Honolulu Theatre for Youth | Drama/Theatre (includes Storytelling, Puppetry, Mime) | Creative Interpretation: Bringing Learning to Life through Drama | Two Year Residency | General Grant |
Kaimuki Middle School | O'ahu | Honolulu Theatre for Youth | Drama/Theatre (includes Storytelling, Puppetry, Mime) | Creative Exploration of Text | Two Year Residency | General Grant |
Kalihi Elementary School | O'ahu | Honolulu Theatre for Youth | Drama/Theatre (includes Storytelling, Puppetry, Mime) | Story Drama: Building Understanding through Engaging and Effective communication. | Two Year Residency | General Grant |
Kamaile Academy Public Charter School | O'ahu | Honolulu Theatre for Youth | Drama/Theatre (includes Storytelling, Puppetry, Mime) | Core Values in Creative Ways | Two Year Residency | General Grant |
Kamalani Academy Public Charter School | O'ahu | Honolulu Theatre for Youth | Drama/Theatre (includes Storytelling, Puppetry, Mime) | Creative, Collaborative Communication | Two Year Residency | General Grant |
Kamiloiki Elementary School | O'ahu | Create With Clay Hawaii, Inc. (Rayna Galati) | Visual Arts | Ka Malamalama o Kamiloiki"" through Clay | Two Year Residency | Art in Public Places Grant |
Kaohao Public Charter School | O'ahu | Honolulu Theatre for Youth | Drama/Theatre (includes Storytelling, Puppetry, Mime) | Non-traditional Learning: Creative Text Explorations | Two Year Residency | General Grant |
Ke Kula 'o Samuel M. Kamakau Laboratory Public Charter School | O'ahu | Honolulu Theatre for Youth | Drama/Theatre (includes Storytelling, Puppetry, Mime) | Our Values, Our Voices | Two Year Residency | General Grant |
Lanakila Elementary School | O'ahu | Yamaguichi, Fae | Visual Arts | Forrest landscape diorama | Two Year Residency | Art in Public Places Grant |
Liholiho Elementary School | O'ahu | Create With Clay Hawaii, Inc. (Rayna Galati) | Visual Arts | The Coral Reef through Clay | Two Year Residency | Art in Public Places Grant |
Linapuni Elementary School | O'ahu | Endo, Chizuko | Cultural Arts :Music:Other | A Natural Fit: Taiko and HA:BREATH | Two Year Residency | General Grant |
Makakilo Elementary School | O'ahu | Honolulu Theatre for Youth | Drama/Theatre (includes Storytelling, Puppetry, Mime) | In Art and in Nature: How Maui and the Sun and Hina and the Moon reflect Science | Two Year Residency | Art in Public Places Grant |
Malama Honua Public Charter School | O'ahu | Honolulu Theatre for Youth | Drama/Theatre (includes Storytelling, Puppetry, Mime) | Mo'olelo in Play | Two Year Residency | General Grant |
Mauka Lani Elementary School | O'ahu | Honolulu Theatre for Youth | Drama/Theatre (includes Storytelling, Puppetry, Mime) | Tales and Telling: Dramatizing Classroom Stories | Two Year Residency | General Grant |
Maunawili Elementary School | O'ahu | Endo, Chizuko | Cultural Arts :Music | Playscape Soundscape | Two Year Residency | Art in Public Places Grant |
Mililani Uka Elementary School | O'ahu | Honolulu Theatre for Youth | Drama/Theatre (includes Storytelling, Puppetry, Mime) | Creative Engagement with History | Two Year Residency | General Grant |
Nanakuli Elementary School | O'ahu | Honolulu Theatre for Youth | Drama/Theatre (includes Storytelling, Puppetry, Mime) | Creative Expression: Building Capacity to Dramatize Understanding | Two Year Residency | General Grant |
Palolo Elementary School | O'ahu | Create With Clay Hawaii, Inc. (Rayna Galati) | Visual Arts | The Coral Reef | Two Year Residency | Art in Public Places Grant |
President Abraham Lincoln Elementary School | O'ahu | Honolulu Theatre for Youth | Drama/Theatre (includes Storytelling, Puppetry, Mime) | Building Expressive Skills through Creative Text Exploration | Two Year Residency | General Grant |
President Thomas Jefferson Elementary School | O'ahu | Dodge, Alyce | Cultural Arts :Media Arts:Visual Arts | LÅkahi: Unity Through Art and Nature | Two Year Residency | Art in Public Places Grant |
Princess Likelike Elementary School | O'ahu | Create With Clay Hawaii, Inc. (Rayna Galati) | Visual Arts | The Coral Reef | Two Year Residency | Art in Public Places Grant |
Queen Kaahumanu Elementary School | O'ahu | Honolulu Theatre for Youth | Drama/Theatre (includes Storytelling, Puppetry, Mime) | Stories in our Lives | Two Year Residency | Art in Public Places Grant |
Salt Lake Elementary School | O'ahu | Honolulu Theatre for Youth | Drama/Theatre (includes Storytelling, Puppetry, Mime) | Tales and Telling: Dramatizing Hawaiian folklore | Two Year Residency | General Grant |
Stevenson Middle School | O'ahu | Liu, Zoe | Visual Arts | From the Past to Hawaii: Culture Circle and Visual Poetry | Two Year Residency | General Grant |
Voyager Public Charter School | O'ahu | Honolulu Theatre for Youth | Drama/Theatre (includes Storytelling, Puppetry, Mime) | In the Shoes of Others: Role-play in Learning | Two Year Residency | General Grant |
Waianae Elementary School | O'ahu | Honolulu Theatre for Youth | Drama/Theatre (includes Storytelling, Puppetry, Mime) | With the âÄina in mind | Two Year Residency | General Grant |
Waiau Elementary School | O'ahu | Honolulu Theatre for Youth | Drama/Theatre (includes Storytelling, Puppetry, Mime) | Role-playing Conflict to Imagine Solutions | Two Year Residency | General Grant |
Noelani Elementary | Oʻahu | Alliance for Drama Education | Drama/Tehatre | Enlivening Family and American History Through Drama | Two Year | General |
Fern Elementary | Oʻahu | Alyce Dodge | Visual Arts | Say It With Chalk | Two Years | General |
Alakaʻi O Kauaʻi Public Charter School | Kauaʻi | Lotus Arts Foundation | Music | Celebrating Music Around the World | Two Year | General |
Mililani Mauka Elementary | Oʻahu | Alyce Dodge | Cultural Arts: Visual Arts | Hoʻomau: Pacific Patterns | Two Year | General |
Kaʻu High and Pahala Elementary | Hawaiʻi Island | Kevin Diminyatz | Visual Arts | Kaʻu Keiki Growing in the Wind | Two Year | APP |
Volcano School of Arts and Sciences Public Charter School | Hawaiʻi Island | Donkey Mill Art Center | Cultural Arts: Visual Arts | Ka Hana Kapa: The Making of Hawaiian Kapa Bark Cloth | Two Year | General |
Kaneohe Elementary | Oʻahu | Honolulu Theatre for Youth | Drama/Theatre | Exploring Problems in Creatively Engaging Ways | Two Year | General |
Jefferson Elementary | Oʻahu | Alyce Dodge | Cultural Arts: Media Arts: Visual Arts | Lōkahi: Unity Through Art and Nature | Two Year | APP |
In 2020, the SFCA began making AITS video lessons to enable remote learning.
AITS Music Class with Chizuko Endo, Taiko Drumming, Lesson 1
AITS Music Class with Chizuko Endo, Taiko Drumming, Lesson 2
AITS Music Class with Chizuko Endo, Taiko Drumming
AITS Music Class with Chizuko Endo, Taiko Drumming
AITS Music Class with Chizuko Endo, Taiko Drumming
AITS Music Class with Chizuko Endo, Taiko Drumming
AITS Music Class with Chizuko Endo, Taiko Drumming
AITS Art Class with Ellen Crocker, Japanese ink brush
Done in partnership with the State of Hawai‘i Department of Education’s video production branch, these videos take you into classrooms and have Artistic Teaching Partners, classroom teachers, school principals, and students explain how the program works and the benefits of the program. See the full album or view individual videos below.
A brief overview of the program. (58 seconds)
A brief overview of the program. (1 minute 14 seconds)
A longer overview of the entire Artists in the Schools program. (6 minutes 24 seconds)
Waiahole Elementary School, with ATP Chizuko Endo. (4 minutes 13 seconds)
Puohala Elementary School, with ATP Kealoha. (4 minutes 59 seconds)
Aliamanu Elementary School, with ATP Lily Brennick from Honolulu Theatre for Youth. (4 minutes 44 seconds)
Keoneula Elementary School, with ATP Michael Wall. (4 minutes 33 seconds)
King Kekaulike High School, with ATP Beth Marcil. (4 minutes 55 seconds)
Kahakai Elementary School with Gerald Lucena from Donkey Mill Art Center. (5 minutes 8 seconds)
Kawaikini Public Charter School and Kilauea Elementary School with ATP Kumu Mauli Ola Cook. (6 minutes 8 seconds)